Thursday, August 20, 2015

Cassava Residue For Animal Feed, Paper, Medicine,Textile and Glue.

Cassava residue is a by-product of processing cassava starch from cassava tubers. Cassava residue contains more starch (about 60%) but poor in protein. Therefore, when using cassava residue, we should blend and add urea or soybean residue.
Cassava residue can be stored for a long time due to a starch in cassava residue fermented and made pH = 4-5. Fresh cassava residue with a slightly sour taste, ruminants like eating. Per day for each cow can eat about 10-15 kg of fresh cassava residue. It can be also dried, desiccated as raw material blending feed.
Nowadays, Cassava residue has been used in a lot of functions of industrial field, such as:
- Being feed for ruminants - Producing of high-value feed from cassava residue
- Producing bio-ethanol
- Being adhesives for salt production
- Using of chemical fertilizer
Development of technology can make more and more usages of Cassava residue in the future. It is the reason why production of Cassava residue is increasing, specially in Vietnam – one of leader markets producing it.

Pls kindly also visit our Website for more information:

We have 3 kinds of Cassava residue on the market:
+ Dried cassava residue
+ Cassava residue powder
+ Cassava residue pellet

  • Starch: 47% - 50%
  • Moisture: 14% max
  • Fiber: 15% max
  • Protein: 2.9%
  • Foreign matter: 3% max
Packing: 25kg or 50kg in PP bag, PE bag or in jumbo bag

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